Sleep Like a Baby on Your Red-Eye Flight Business Travel | Travel Zone by Best Western

Sleep Like a Baby on Your Red-Eye Flight

By Best Western
  • Airplane tray with blue sleep mask and smart phone open to BW Travel Zone

Time is precious, especially for business travelers. One of the best ways to save time is to book a red eye and sleep while you fly. The next time you take to the night skies, try these tips to get some precious shut-eye.

Choose Your Seat Carefully

For airlines that allow you to select your seat, purchase a window seat. This will provide you with a wall to support your pillow while ensuring you won’t be woken by seat-mates squeezing by to use the restroom. Increase your chances of a good night’s sleep by choosing a seat on the left or right-hand side of the plane, depending on which side you normally sleep on.

Dress Comfortably

Comfort is a top priority when falling asleep, so change into an outfit that feels good before your plane begins the boarding process. Keep in mind that the temperature on planes is unpredictable and often fluctuates. Wear multiple layers and add or subtract clothing as needed to stay comfortable.

Pack Some Snacks

Before taking off and throughout your flight, snack on light foods. Instead, pack healthy foods that will calm your stomach and leave you ready to catch a few z’s.

Prepare for Sleep

Toss an eye mask, small blanket, neck pillow and other sleep-focused items into your carry-on. These simple items will make the ride more comfortable and will help you catch a few winks. Before falling asleep, check to see if your seat belt is visible and buckled over your blanket. You don’t want a flight attendant to wake you to see if you’re buckled up.

Follow Your Nightly Routine

Signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep by recreating your usual bedtime routine. Wash your face and brush your teeth in the airport restroom before boarding. As your departure time nears, limit your water intake. Pre-hydrate ahead of time by drinking plenty of water as you go through security. Once you’re on the plane, don’t drink more than a sip at a time until after you land.

It can be difficult to relax on a red-eye flight, even for the most experienced business travelers. These helpful tips will allow you to get the sleep you need to prepare for the next day’s tasks. After your flight, check into your Best Western Hotels & Resorts room for a quick nap before starting a day full of productivity.