Celebrate National Plan for Vacation Day by maximizing vacation time Travel Tips & Trends | Travel Zone by Best Western

Celebrate National Plan for Vacation Day by maximizing vacation time

By Mer Norwood

National Plan for Vacation Day is a much-needed holiday to inspire using vacation time. In 2019, 55% of Americans did not use their vacation time, leaving 768 million days of paid time off unused, according to the U.S. Travel Association. Don’t let your vacation days go unused. Here’s how to maximize your vacation time.

Take a micro-cation

Life is short, so vacation often. Mini vacations are a surefire way to maximize your vacation time. Termed “micro-cations,” these trips are especially popular with millennials. Micro-cations include taking a three-day weekend or 72-hour-getaway. Bonus tip: tack your vacation days to a holiday weekend. Some holidays always fall on a certain day of the year, such as Thanksgiving on a Thursday or Labor Day on a Monday. Adding a day before or after these holiday weekends extends your vacation and holidays. If you strategize and plan, you could easily take 5-10 micro-cations throughout the year.

Take a workcation

If you’re lucky enough to work remotely, full-time or part-time, you have the flexibility for a change of scenery both when you’re online and offline. By taking a workcation, you can mix work and play on the same trip, without having to take as many vacation days as you normally would. Choose a location that is low-key, i.e., a place that doesn’t require much sightseeing or that has a lot of family and friends, is key to making a workcation work. During your work hours you can relax by the pool, lunch at a nearby restaurant, and explore local sights when you clock out.

Research and plan ahead to save time

Have you ever spent too much time being lost, catching a connecting flight, or commuting to your hotel? By researching and planning ahead of time, you save time on your actual vacation. First, choose a location that is easy to navigate. Book a non-stop flight whenever possible. Finally, choose a centrally located Best Western® Hotels & Resorts to save time commuting to your daily activities.